Penulisan Lisan 2
B. 1. Exact = appropriate
2. Commemorates = celebrate
3. Defend = maintain
4. Keep = preserve
5. Slant = opinion
6. Speed = hurry
7. Shape = Form
8. Test = Chech
9. Choice = Option
10. Brave = courageous
D. 1. Remember the sales meeting at the end of the month.
2. Be careful to ship this order by airfrieght.
3. You have to provide a delivery date.
4. We can deliver your order after July 15 because our plant is closed.
5. Keep the product’s quality.
6. Be patient customers by being late for an appointment.
7. We can act on your request next time.
8. We will recall your special request.
9. We know our prices after April 1.
10. Always remember a customer’s perferences.
A. Vocabulary and Spelling Studies
1. Impartial, unbiased, objective = tidak memihak
Fervent = kuat, keras
2. Entreat, beg, implore = memohon
Offend = melukai hati
3. Blossom, bloom, flower = bunga
Forbid = melarang
4. Fabricate, shape, dodge = membuat
Fashion = kebiasaan
5. Meddle, interfere, tamper = mencampuri
Invent = menemukan
6. Revise, correct, remedy = memperbaiki
Denounce = melaporkan
7. Coarse, gross, crude = kasar
Refined = halus
8. Guarded, wary, watchful = waspada
Open = buka
9. Principle, rule, regulation = peraturan
Exception = pengecualian
10. Foutine, customary, uniform = kebiasaan
Irregular = tidak beraturan
11. Speculate, guess, validate = memperkirakan
Theorize = teori
12. Disclose, communicate, tell = menyampaikan
Hide = menyembunyikan
13. Knowledge, learning, information = pengetahuan
Fiction = fiksi
14. Significant, meanigful, serious = berarti
Unimportant = tidak berarti
15. Elemantary, basic, pure = dasar
Complicated = rumit