Minggu, 15 November 2009

tugas kepariwisataan 3

Curug Nangka is located on the top 750 m from ocean surface, configure field commonly horizontal until long waved. This area has rainfall 4000mm/year with temperature 20-200C. Curug Nangka consist of 5 ha forest plant (Agathis, Rasamala, and Pinus). The potency visual into location is good enough with nature view involve forest view, Pinus plant, and waterfall. Facilities have prepared in this place is post guard, cottage work, locket ticket, step street, parking, toilet, shelter, information room, suffocate. Curug Nangka can reach from Bogor (26km), condition of road commonly good, can be through with car, public transportations have prepared from terminal Ramayana Bogor.

Sabtu, 07 November 2009

Tugas Kepariwisataan 2

Air Terjun Lematang Indah high 40 M and is one of nature tour object in Pagar Alam city. This object is one of tour location that easily to reach because located at edge street Pagar Alam city, exactly between Lahat city and Pagar Alam city. Beautiful panorama in this area is very incredible with zigzag road. Many visitors that through this road will be stop to take some rest for a while and enjoy the view waterfall without must walk down. Location Air Terjun Lematang Indah located at subdistrict North Dempo, Pagar Alam city, Palembang about 10 KM from Pagar Alam city center. The ticket price just one thousand rupiah for each person.

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Tugas Kepariwisataan 1

Taman Ujung was established in 1919 and endorsed to used in 1920. This park was built by King Karangasem used to place of rest or place to receive the important guest. The shape of building is elegant and characteristic, seems like combine between architecture Europe and Bali. In west pool, in place a little high there are some circle building called “Bale Bengong”, place for enjoy the beautiful park and the other side. But now, those building has destroyed because earthquake that happened in 1963 and 1979. Although just remain the ruins, it still look so elegant. Taman Ujung located in Desa Tumbu, Karangasem, distance about 85 Km from Denpasar or 5 Km south Amlapura.