Minggu, 15 November 2009

tugas kepariwisataan 3

Curug Nangka is located on the top 750 m from ocean surface, configure field commonly horizontal until long waved. This area has rainfall 4000mm/year with temperature 20-200C. Curug Nangka consist of 5 ha forest plant (Agathis, Rasamala, and Pinus). The potency visual into location is good enough with nature view involve forest view, Pinus plant, and waterfall. Facilities have prepared in this place is post guard, cottage work, locket ticket, step street, parking, toilet, shelter, information room, suffocate. Curug Nangka can reach from Bogor (26km), condition of road commonly good, can be through with car, public transportations have prepared from terminal Ramayana Bogor.

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